About us
InkBank is a small business operating in Canberra (Australia) since 1998 supplying affordable ink related products both locally and by mail to the rest of Australia.
If you look around the website, you should be able to find something to make your digital ink printing cheaper and more sustainable. If you can't, it's probably not listed.
If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us.. This website is getting rebuilt and lot of products are still to be listed.
Note: Inkbank Australia (inkbank.com.au) is not associated with Inkbank.com.cn (China) in any way. The Chinese company (Shenzhen Graphic Technology) had stolen the name INKBANK in 2006 and had been using it to market their product since. So...if you come across some cheap 'INKBANK' labeled ink on Amazon or some other suspect platform, don't assume you're dealing with InkBank Australia.